The Christmas Tree (part4)
He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins (Colossians 1:13).
What is a Christmas Tree without ornaments? You probably have some that represent your interests, your cultural background, or important events from the history of your family. If I were to look at the ornaments on your tree, they would tell me something about who you are.
Jesus suffered and died on the tree of the cross, and there was an ornament on that tree that explained who Jesus was. Nailed above the Savior’s head was a sign that read, Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews (John 19:19). This sign was intended as an insult, but it actually spoke volumes about the man who was dying beneath it.
Even though He did not look the part, Jesus was a king. Our world needs kings. Our world is flooded with sin and death. Throughout history, God has given kings power so that they can hold back the forces of evil, like sandbags hold back floodwaters. Of course, sandbags are a temporary solution to a much bigger problem; in the same way, no earthly kingdom can uphold justice and security forever.
We live in a world of temporary kings, and kingdoms that are on the verge of collapse. There is no political solution for the problems of sin, death and the devil; we must contend with these forces of darkness until the end of time. Unfortunately, these enemies are so powerful and frightening that sometimes we forget that we have a king who cannot be defeated—Jesus of Nazareth. Instead of trusting in Christ, we throw our hands up in despair, fearing that everything is out of control and can only end in disaster.
Things certainly looked hopeless when Jesus hung bleeding on the cross. It appeared that He couldn’t even save Himself, let alone anyone else. But Jesus went to that tree of shame willingly; He set aside His royal privileges out of love for us. Because of our fascination with sin, we were condemned to death and hell. Only the king can commute a death sentence, and that is what Christ did when He chose to die in our place.
Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews. No ornament hung on a tree has ever spoken a more important and reassuring message. I hope that you remember that ornament as you decorate your tree this year.
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