Earth Day
The earth is the LORD's, and everything in it (Psalm 24:1).
Earth Day. A day when we pause to think about the world we live on and how we treat it. A day when environmentalists challenge our wasteful behavior, and teach us how to conserve and preserve the resources of nature.
It seems kind of silly to observe Earth Day; after all, the earth is all around us. Every day we breathe its air and walk its surface. Every day, we drink its water and eat its produce. Everything we own is made from the earth, whether it be wood or fabric or paper, metal or plastic or glass. The earth is part of our daily life; why do we need a day to remember it?
Sadly, we take things for granted. We pollute the air, assuming that the wind will disperse any toxins harmlessly. We waste fuel, as if subterranean oil deposits will never run dry. We buy more than we need, and throw things away without trying to fix them. We are careless and thoughtless; we need a regular reminder to change our ways.
Every week, there’s a church near you that observes God’s Day. It seems kind of silly to set aside a day each week to think about God—after all, He is all around us. Every day, He gives life to new children. Every day, He causes plants to grow and herds to multiply. Every day, He inspires scientists to invent new medicines and develop new technologies. Everything we have—life and health, family and friends, home and career—they are all gifts from the Lord.
Sadly, we take things for granted. We use and abuse people instead of loving them. We use our minds to spin lies and plot deception. We spend time wishing for things we don’t have instead of thanking God for His generosity. We waste the time, skills, and resources that the Lord has given us, and we act as if God should be grateful for any leftover crumbs that we might toss His way.
Earth Day reminds us to appreciate the world God has given us, and to treat it responsibly. God’s Day—Sunday—reminds us to appreciate the Lord who made the earth, and to give Him the respectful treatment that He deserves.
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