Thursday, October 30, 2008

God and monsters

Out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. These are what make a man unclean (Matthew 15:19-20).

What is the worst monster you can think of? Is it the vampire, who can only live by feeding off of others? Is it the werewolf, who loses all control under the influence of a full moon? Is it the ghost, who wants revenge for the all the hurts experienced in life?

If you think about it, those monsters are us. We act like monsters when we use others to satisfy our own needs. We act like monsters when passion overrides common sense. We act like monsters when revenge dominates our thoughts. The worst monsters of all are human and very, very real.

We see monsters on the news every single day. Terrorists. Serial killers. Kidnappers. Rapists. Our prisons are full of human monsters, but many more run free. People who lie. People who break promises. People who treat their parents shamefully. People who act irresponsibly and then expect someone else to bail them out. Every one of us has a monster inside, just waiting for a chance to bare its fangs and do some damage.

Many people believe that Satan is the worst monster of all. Yet we are often his willing accomplices. We know that the devil cannot be trusted; he lies, spins the truth, and makes empty promises. Yet we listen to him anyway. We do things that we know are wrong, because he convinces us that no one will notice or care.

But God notices; God cares. He always tells the truth, and the truth is that sin causes hurt. Sinful behavior undermines love, and God wants us to love Him and each other with all our hearts. God also keeps His promises, and He promises eternity in hell to all who choose sin over love.

God also made another promise. If we believe that Jesus is the Son of God and ask Him for mercy, God will forgive our sins and welcome us into heaven. Even though we act like monsters, Jesus loves us—loves us so much that He suffered our hellish punishment on the cross so we could live forever in paradise. If you look in the mirror and see an ugly monster, look up to the cross—there you will see the beauty of God’s love for you.

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