Compelled to speak
Christ's love compels us (2 Corinthians 5:14).
Do we have freedom of speech in this country? The Bill of Rights says so. Yet increasingly, Americans are censured for speaking their minds. Whether you are a movie producer, stand up comedian, professional athlete or politician, you can quickly get into serious trouble if you say something disrespectful about an ethnic group, religion, or people who embrace an alternative lifestyle. You may have the legal right to speak your beliefs out loud, but doing so can cost you dearly.
I’m certainly not defending bigotry; we are all children of God. It is never okay to make fun of others; Paul writes, remind the people…to do whatever is good, to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate (Titus 3:1-2). Hatred is a sin; the Bible says that anyone who hates his brother is a murderer (1 John 3:15). Jesus said, love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another (John 13:34). Threats and insults do not show love.
That being said, there will be times when the words a Christian speaks will not be welcomed or appreciated. Every word spoken by Jesus was motivated by love; nevertheless, His words angered some people so much that they arranged His arrest and execution. Why? Because Jesus dared to criticize their behavior. God hates sin; sinners are not welcome in heaven. On the cross, Jesus accepted full responsibility for your sins and mine, resulting in His suffering and death—He did this so that we can join him in paradise. Through Jesus, the problem of your sinfulness is corrected—but only if you want it. If you don’t accept that what you’re doing makes God mad, if you don’t turn to Christ and plead for His mercy, then His death at Calvary does you no good.
That is why Jesus spoke words that rubbed people the wrong way. He points out sin so that the sinner might repent. We who follow Jesus do the same. Of course, many do not appreciate being told that their behavior angers God. Say that homosexuality is sinful and you’re labeled a bigot. Say that abortion is murder and you are accused of trying to limit another person’s choices. Say that living together displeases God and you are told to mind your own business. Say that Jesus is the only way to heaven and you are dismissed as narrow-minded. But Christ’s love compels us to speak, even when our words are resented; freedom of speech is a gift from God that must be used to reveal sin for what it is, and offer God’s gift of salvation through His Son Jesus Christ.
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