Early diagnosis
Restore us, O God Almighty; make your face shine upon us, that we may be saved (Psalm 80:3).
In our home, Dad always took care of the cars. He drove one, Mom and I shared the other. The mechanics class offered in high school was optional, and I wasn’t interested enough to take it. I didn’t even own a car until I got married after college graduation. Basically, I knew nothing about car maintenance. Then one summer when my folks were visiting, Dad was shocked to find out that I only added oil when the little red light came on. But until then, no one had taught me a thing about automotive maintenance.
Farmers are always fixing things; equipment seems to break down during the busiest times of the year. So farmers are keenly aware of when a tractor or truck or combine isn’t running as it should; as soon as they notice an odd vibration or hear a strange noise, they are checking to find out the cause. A person who relies on machinery to make a living knows that it is faster and cheaper to fix something early on instead of waiting for it to become a major problem. This is a lesson I have learned as well.
Oddly enough, most people neglect the single most important thing they have—the health of their souls. Many go through one day after another, ignoring the warning signs that something isn’t right. They have a hard time dragging themselves out of bed; they eat too much or have no appetite at all; they snap at people they love or just stop talking to them altogether; they cry unexpectedly for little or no reason; they stop doing things that used to be a source of enjoyment. These are the soul’s equivalent of a mysterious vibration or a strange cluncking sound. Yet instead of investigating the problem, most just continue with their usual routine, hoping that things will get better on their own. Of course, any mechanic will tell you that problems don’t get better on their own; left unattended, a minor problem can become a major one in short order.
Jesus is the mechanic that you need to see for problems with your soul. He knows the cause for the problems you’re experiencing—sin is causing a breakdown. Sin can make you selfish and unloving; sin can make you bitter and hostile; sin can make you terrified of new situations or failure; sin can make you feel as if everything is hopeless. And Jesus can do more than just diagnose your problem. He can forgive your sins and move you to be more loving, more trusting, and more generous; He can fill you with hope that as bad as things might seem right now, He can keep you safe and make you happy. Jesus has an opening to see you right now; don’t wait for a complete breakdown to go to Him for help.
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