Thursday, November 15, 2007

Voting with your wallet

Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously (Matthew 6:33).

People frequently complain about low voter turnouts for various elections. But in our country, everybody votes, and they do so almost every day. Americans vote with their wallets.

Every time you go into a store and make a purchase, you are telling merchandisers what they should stock their shelves with. If most shoppers buy apples but only a few pick up kiwis, a grocery store will adjust what it offers accordingly. If most shoppers in town are buying casual clothing, you won’t find much of a selection when you are in need of formal wear.

The same principle applies to entertainment. If magazines sell better with sexy models on the cover, expect more of the same. If video games sell better with graphically violent content, then more of this type will be produced. People often complain that there aren’t enough good family movies, but if such movies are poorly attended when they do come along, movie studios have little incentive to make more.

This is capitalism—supply and demand. Manufacturers, publishers and studios crank out what Americans are willing to spend money on. If we don’t support something with our wallets, it will become hard to find—it might even go away entirely. I can think of any number of grocery store items I grew up with that are no longer sold. Some of my favorite TV shows have been canceled because they did not find a large enough audience. How we spend our money determines what is available to spend our money on.

You have a limited amount of dollars to spend, so each time you make a purchase, you are voting on what’s most important to you. Your spending habits reveal your priorities—what you value and what you are willing to do without, if push comes to shove. So think carefully each time money leaves your hands—what are you supporting? Are you voting for Jesus’ ministry by donating to one of His churches? Or are you backing the devil’s work by voting for products that glamorize violence, degrade sexuality, or lead to addiction? When you open your wallet, write a check or swipe a credit card, who is getting your vote—Satan the destroyer, or Christ the Savior?

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