So God created man in his own image…male and female he created them (Genesis 1:27).
Imagine that you are visiting a zoo’s monkey house. Between the lemurs and baboons, you see a sign for Homo Sapiens; the information on the sign gives details on our dietary habits, preferred habitat, and other information. Then, as you gaze through the glass, you are astonished to see two living human beings!
This actually happened some time ago in Denmark. Why did they create such a display? A zoo official said that he hoped the exhibit would encourage people to face up to their origins. He stated, "We’re all primates…but some people find it hard to accept. This is a way to maybe help people realize that."
While children crowded around the tableau, many adults seemed somewhat uncomfortable by the sight. Why should such a display provoke feelings of discomfort? Could it be that deep down inside we realize that we were created in the image of God, that Genesis is true and we are not merely smart apes wearing clothing instead of fur?
The theory of evolution is just that—a theory. If it could be proven as a fact, it would not be called a theory. Yet many people embrace evolution as if it was indisputable truth. Why? Many prefer to believe in evolution because then there is no God to answer to, no God who sets limits on your behavior, no God who will send you to hell for doing evil.
But embracing the theory of evolution has come at a cost for our society. If we are simply evolved apes, then there is nothing special about human life. Babies are not gifts from God, so instead of being considered murder, abortion can be viewed as merely removing an unwanted tumor. Since human life is not divinely given, there is nothing wrong with ending a life that has become a medical, financial, or emotional burden. When we remove the Giver of life from the equation, all that we are left with is a culture of death, where the ultimate foe that ends life is now embraced as a friend that eases suffering. Such a culture does not appreciate the sacrifice Jesus made by dying in our place to free us from the captivity of the grave. The culture of death that arises from belief in evolution is actually a culture of despair, because without God there is no heaven—and no hope for continuing love, no hope for anything, once death has come.
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