A seven course meal
You are like babies who drink only milk and cannot eat solid food. And a person who is living on milk isn't very far along in the Christian life…Solid food is for those who are mature, who have trained themselves to recognize the difference between right and wrong (Hebrews 5:12-14).
A Sunday School teacher told her students the Bible lesson for the day, and then went on to speak of all the wonders of creation. She asked, "What’s about a foot long, has a bushy tail, climbs trees, and saves nuts?" None of the children would respond. Three times she repeated the question, looking for the obvious answer. Finally, one little boy gathered his courage and spoke up: "It sounds like a squirrel to me, but I’m sure it’s supposed to be Jesus."
This incident shows us how superficial Christians can be. Ask a child what he learned about in Sunday School, and he’ll probably say "Jesus." Ask an adult what the sermon was about, and he too will probably say "Jesus." On one level, this is a good thing—there should never be a class or service in church that is not centered on Jesus. But Christianity is a rich and deep religion, built on the richness and depth of the 66 books of the Bible. There is much more to the faith than "Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so." Do you know why Genesis records Abraham’s many faults, even though Scripture holds him up as an example of great faith? Do you know what the first Passover meal eaten in Egypt teaches us about Jesus’ sacrifice for our sins on the cross? Do you know why the Psalms were written? Do you understand what Jesus was teaching about how to pray, when He provided the example of the Lord’s Prayer? Are you and I born with the ability to make a choice between doing good and committing evil? What happens to you when you are baptized or receive Holy Communion? Do you know what heaven and hell are like? How will Jesus determine who goes where?
At heart, Christianity is summed up by John 3:16. But to ignore the rest of what God has revealed to us is like being invited to a fancy dinner and only eating the main course—why would you turn down a chance to sample everything on the table, from hors’derves to dessert? Through all of the courses offered, the cook has prepared a well-balanced meal designed to meet all of your dietary needs; similarly, the Bible has been written in all its richness and depth to provide well-rounded nourishment for your soul. I invite you to look for more than just the ‘main course’ as you spend time with our Lord.
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