The nature of false "gods"
God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us (Romans 5:8).
A man was travelling through China on a business trip. One night he was having trouble sleeping, so he got up and opened his window for a breath of fresh air. It was a clear night and the moon was shining brightly. As the man looked out into the courtyard, the moonlight enabled him to see a row of carvings depicting ancient Chinese gods. Even in the cheery light of day the faces were hideous and terrifying; but at night the baleful moonlight and dark shadows only served to magnify the horror that they aroused in his heart. He had a hard time getting back to sleep.
The so-called gods of all heathen religions are ultimately terrifying, each in their own way. The gods of ancient Egypt had the heads of animals. The gods of the Aztecs demanded human sacrifice. The gods of ancient Greece were given to fits of rage, dangerous jealousy, drunken orgies and sexual depravity. Some religions teach their followers to kill unbelievers as a way to please their god. Other religions teach that the only way to enjoy eternal happiness is to first find some way to make yourself perfect. And the religion of atheism teaches that life has no meaning at all; you live a life of suffering and then you die.
These religions are not built on love. Where is the love if you are frightened of your god? Where is the love when your god orders you to kill? Where is the love when your god tells you to find your own way to paradise? Where is the love when you are told that your life is an accident of evolution and has no meaning or purpose beyond food and sex and sleep?
Only the Christian God is a God of love. Only God the Father loved us so much that He sent His perfect Son to die for us, so that we can be forgiven for angering Him with our misspent lives. Only Jesus Christ offers us everlasting life with Him as a gift, with no demand that we do anything to earn it. Only the Holy Spirit offers us the hand of God to lift us from confusion and despair and help us to live lives of purpose, showing God’s love to those who don’t know Him. Only the God of the Bible, the Triune God, offers true contentment and everlasting happiness.
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