The touch of a Friend
While they were eating, Jesus took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to his disciples, saying, "Take and eat; this is my body." Then he took the cup, gave thanks and offered it to them, saying, "Drink from it, all of you. This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins (Matthew 26:26-28).
It happened in Westminster Abbey over 500 years ago. There was a talented preacher in the Abbey that day, giving a sermon that had attracted a great crowd of people. But when a servant of King Henry the Fifth came to the abbey with a message, he did not find his king among the crowd. After some searching, he discovered Henry at a small altar in an almost deserted part of the building, where the king was receiving the Lord’s Supper. When the messenger asked his liege why he was not in the large nave with the rest of the congregation, Henry replied "I would rather meet with my Friend than merely hear Him talked about."
Our Lord Jesus is our heavenly friend, but as things stand right now, we can’t see Him with our eyes. But like King Henry the Fifth, we can still meet with our Friend. Our Lord has given us a way to kiss Him with our lips. We are given this wonderful opportunity in Holy Communion. Using His divine power, the Son of God performs a miracle every time bread and wine are served in His name. By His almighty power, Jesus places into the bread the essence of His body, the body that died for our sins on the cross; and into the wine He pours His holy blood, the blood that made atonement for every sin you and I have ever committed. When we take the bread and wine of the Eucharist, we are privileged to touch our Savior, who died to free us from God’s anger and who rose from the dead to strengthen us and to lead us into heaven. Please join me in praying:
Lord Jesus, our heavenly Friend, we thank You for leaving the joys of heaven to live among us and touch us with Your love. We thank You for suffering Your Father’s punishment for our sins. And we thank You for reaching out to us through the bread and wine of Your Holy Supper, touching us with Your own body and blood. By Your touch, we know You have forgiven us. By Your touch, we are reassured that You care for us each day. By Your touch, we receive strength to live our lives in service to You. May we never take Your touch for granted, Lord Jesus. Amen.
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