Go and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19).
An artist was asked to illustrate what a ruined church looked like. He painted a beautiful structure equipped with all the most modern conveniences. The nave contains a richly carved chancel, a magnificent altar, an elaborate organ, and beautiful stained-glass windows. Many fashionably dressed worshippers fill the pews. The choir members and acolytes have beautiful gowns to wear. But in a corner, attached to the wall, there is a little box marked "for missions." A spider web has been woven over the opening of the box. That church is not mission-minded; thus, it is a ruined church.
An old saying goes "charity begins at home." When money is tight, it is our first reaction to cut things out of the budget that seem to be luxury items. But is mission work a luxury item in the life of a congregation? Did Jesus say, "go and make disciples of all nations when you have enough money to"?
For many years, churches have distinguished between "missions" and "evangelism." In reality, they are the same thing. Both mission work and evangelism are about the church taking the word of God to those who do not yet believe. This is what Jesus commanded us to do. Every believer belongs to Christ because of mission work. It is mission work when a parent brings a child to Christ through holy Baptism. It is mission work when an aunt brings her niece to Sunday School. It is mission work when a man invites his girlfriend to come with him to church. It is mission work when you read words of hope from the Bible to a dear friend who lies seriously ill in a hospital bed. These are all just as much mission work as financially supporting a missionary in Africa or sponsoring a devotional program on television.
When mission work stops, churches die. When there is no concern for introducing the lost to Christ, there will be no baptisms or confirmations. Weddings will be held at the courthouse and funerals will be conducted in the funeral home. When people stop speaking of Jesus and His sacrificial death that brings us life, people are denied the knowledge they need to enter heaven; Paul tells us everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?… faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ (Romans 10:13-14, 17).
If you believe in Jesus, you are a missionary. When Jesus says go and make disciples, He means you. Go and make a disciple by inviting a friend to church. Go and make a disciple by reading God’s Word to an invalid. Go and make a disciple by reading a Bible story to a child at bedtime. Go and make disciples by donating to mission work here at home or overseas. Please join me in praying,
Forgive us, Lord Jesus, for so often ignoring Your command to go and share You with others. Give us courage to speak of Your wonderful love, Your sacrificial death, and Your glorious resurrection to everyone who does not yet know You. Please bless others through our service to You. Amen.
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