Making choices based on your feelings
There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death (Proverbs 14:12).
There is a song lyric that goes: It can't be wrong when it feels so right. There is a saying that advises: if it feels good, do it. Many people make important decisions based on how they feel. They use their emotions as a way to evaluate whether doing something is good or bad.
Now, emotions can be wonderful things. It is a gift from God to be able to enjoy a baby’s smile, or a rush of warmth from holding someone’s hand. It is because of our Lord’s generosity that we can enjoy the brilliant colors of sunrise on a clear day, or know satisfaction in a job well done. The Bible tells us that God Himself knows delight when we put our hope in His unfailing love.
But because of sin, emotions cannot be trusted. People who pledge themselves to marriage can be tempted to abandon their vows when their fickle emotions draw them to another person. Christians can be tempted to abandon their church when Sunday morning services don’t lift them up emotionally like they used to.
Emotions can betray us because, like everything else, they are tainted by sin. When your emotions tell you to do something, it is important to stop and look at the facts objectively before you act. Remember, emotions are very unstable—what feels right today might not feel right tomorrow. Your emotions can be changed by taking medication or having a few drinks. Important decisions must be based on more than just feelings.
Jesus loves you—that’s a fact. Jesus died for you on a cross in Palestine two thousand years ago, so that you could be spared God’s anger at your sins—that’s a fact. The Bible tells us where and when Jesus lived, died, and rose from the dead, so that you could be assured of the fact that He wants you as His child. Even when you’re depressed, the fact of Jesus’ concern for you is unchanged. That is something solid to base your decisions on.
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